Take a One-Day Getaway to Reset and Recharge
A special day dedicated to your inner and outer well-being nestled in a beautiful environment in the Laurentians.
to Recharge & Reset
in Gore, Laurentians, Quebec
• Take time out temporarily from your intellect and the busy-ness of our minds and life.
• Move your body, calm your mind and soothe your soul.
• I promise you will be smiling from the inside out!
Peace and pleasure guaranteed
If you are interested, reserve your place by registering right away. Places are limited.
Contribution for the day
$150 per person
What to bring
A favorite plate of food to share. We will prepare our lunch together ❤️
A yoga mat, cushion to sit on, blanket, a notebook and a pen to write down your inspirations, wear comfortable clothes for indoors/outdoors
Morning practices, lunch, free time, recharge & reset, indoor and outdoor activities weather permitting.
The doors open at 8 a.m., come and have a coffee or tea on the terrace or by the lake. We will end the day around 5 p.m.
Our surroundings
The Glenhaven private home is an oasis of calm, luxury, and a wonderful place to serve your well-being.
Enjoy: 2 indoor living rooms, large kitchen, dining room, sauna, steam room, outdoor whirlpool tub, gym, outdoor terrace, lakeside, volleyball court, welcoming tree house, beautiful energy perfect for our day of rejuvenation.
Register now
Your payment by e-transfer will reserve your spot.
To: laura@laurawarf.com
Password (if needed): happiness
Peace and Pleasure guaranteed!
Thank you, I look forward to welcoming you.
When: Sunday September 25th
Time : 8:00am-5:00pm ET
Where: Private residence in Gore, Laurentians, Quebec
With: Laura Warf, School of Happiness, movement specialist, empowerment coach, yoga teacher
Contribution: $150 Your spot will be reserved when the registration is received.
Inquiries: info@schoolofhappiness.ca
A confirmation message will be sent to you by email.