Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is a path toward creating balance and to encourage the flow of our vital energy. This mindful class focuses on a variety of asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing) practice which consistently links breath and body movement in a combination of inspiring and energizing sequences.
Learn how to strengthen your body, improve your flexibility, release deep held tensions and improve your concentration through this holistic and contemplative practice.
This multi-leveled practice is open to all, participants are encouraged to work at their own pace by choosing a variety of posture options provided.
Leave feeling stronger, more supple, focused and energized.
What is Meditation?
The practice of meditation is about observing, taming and clearing the mind. Become a better version of yourself and live more harmoniously in all areas of your life.
It is a method that allows us to focus our attention to a particular phenomenon while filtering out everything else, also known as the noise.
Why Meditate?
Tapping into a meditative state of being assists in reducing emotional responses and promotes inner joy, reveals deep calm and peace, improves concentration, and gets you more in touch with yourself to make better daily decisions. When the obstacles in life are confronted with a serene mind, we live more happily.
Meditation Techniques and Styles
Learn various techniques to tap into your own inner currents and reveal your vital energy through a step by step approach. Learn to skillfully integrate meditation into your life and notice how each day unfolds with greater ease and clarity.
There are different styles of meditation. Some are designed around the act of observing or contemplating what surrounds you. Commonly referred to as mindfulness. Other styles are breath-based, where your breathing guides the process.
Where Should I Meditate?
Some meditate in nature, others in a special dedicated space in their home. Certain activities can become described as meditative such as gardening. It is really about finding your voice and your style. The technique that speaks and makes sense to you. It is worth exploring different techniques before finding your own, and also to diversify. All meditation styles do not yield the same results or outcomes.
Centering Meditation with Laura Warf and the School of Happiness
The practice of meditation is about observing, taming and clearing the mind. Become a better version of yourself and live more harmoniously in all areas of your life.
Tapping into a meditative state of being assists in reducing emotional responses and promotes inner joy, reveals deep calm and peace, improves concentration, and gets you more in touch with yourself to make better daily decisions. When the obstacles in life are confronted with a serene mind, we live more happily.
Learn various techniques to tap into your own inner currents to reveal your vital energy through a step by step approach. Learn to skillfully integrate meditation into your life and notice how each day unfolds with greater ease and clarity.
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