Yoga Program Series

Yoga for calm series

Yoga for Calm Series Program

Give yourself permission to slow down and restore your natural energy. Take a time out to tune in to your body, breath and inner currents. This trio of classes will assist in evacuating daily stress to allow for greater balance within yourself and in your life. These classes are wonderful anytime yet especially helpful in the evening to leave you feeling more relaxed, promote restorative sleep and healing, clear mental clutter for a calm mind, and enhance lightness and joy.

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Slow Flow Yoga to Feel Soothed and Nurtured

Give your body the support it needs to naturally rest and restore with this slow moving practice which includes energy medicine techniques along with free form yoga. Enjoy a slower introspective practice for when you are feeling low energy, fragmented, emotional or fragile to help restore your vital essence and inner balance. This session will conserve your energy and leave you feeling soothed, nurtured, calm and relaxed.

Yoga and Meditation for Calm and Receptivity 

Enjoy a smooth and soothing practice for the over stimulated mind and fatigued body. Restore energy and balance with a slow moving breath-centered asana practice to release deep tensions and improve circulation to every system in the body. Allow time for meditation after savasana to leave you feeling more relaxed and in touch with your own natural rhythms.

Yoga Restore and Relax YIN Style

Give your body the support it needs to naturally rest and restore with this slow moving practice with longer held postures. With the use of cushions and straps, move into the deeper layers of connective tissue to release tension and old patterns that no longer serve you. This session will leave you feeling calm, clear and relaxed.

Morning Yoga for energy series

Morning Yoga for Energy Series

Start your day powerfully with a practice designed to get the juices flowing leaving you feeling naturally energized for the entire day. This series of four classes is designed to guide the way to more vibrancy and well-being from the inside out. When our minds are steady and body is well tuned up we are better equipped to handle whatever life sends our way.

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Morning Yoga for Energy and Focus

Enjoy an energizing morning flow. Experience a standing series to stimulate your stability and flexibility. This practice will boost your circulation leaving you feeling more vibrant for the rest of the day.

Yoga AM: Express Flow to Energize and Invigorate

Enjoy a shorter practice to get the juices flowing quickly. This full body asana practice will leave you buzzing from head to toe. You will notice elevated levels of energy that will be sure to follow you off the mat into your day.

Morning Yoga for Energy and Endurance

Develop balance and endurance with this 4-part practice. Begin with a series of energizing salutations followed by strong standing series, balancing postures and floor poses to fully relax. This movement and breathing practice completes beautifully with a natural meditation.

Morning Yoga; Blissful Breathing

Put pranayama fully into your asana practice. When we breathe and move attentively something powerful happens. Practice profound yoga principles to strengthen your life force. Sense the merging of all polarities in this Hatha Flow practice.

À la Carte Yoga Classes

Yoga for mental fatigue

Yoga Series Coming Soon

Available soon!

Rest the brain and rejuvenate the body and mind. Restore balance with a slow moving breath centered practice. Improve circulation to the spine and increase blood flow to the heart and head leaving you feeling more relaxed and in touch with your body’s natural rhythms.

Detox Flow for optimal health

Available soon!

Use yoga as a way to cleanse your body and balance your life. Participate in a unique class that targets the 7 elimination channels through a specially formulated sequence to stimulate the purification process within the body to allow your vital energy to flow more freely.

Yoga Series Coming Soon

Yoga relax: side body suppleness

Yoga Series Coming Soon

Available soon!

This slower moving, floor based practice will keep your torso supple and your energy elevated. Side-stretching poses lengthen the muscles between the ribs and pelvis, including parts of the low back, and open the sides of the rib cage, improving rib cage mobility and the expansiveness of the lungs, which makes breathing easier in all situations. Releasing deep held tensions will keep your body and mind more relaxed.

Yoga relax: twist out the tension

Available soon!

Improve your spinal mobility and back health. Twists rotate the spine and stretch the muscles of the back. When done correctly, these postures help restore and retain the spine’s natural range of motion. By extending the muscles to their full length regularly, we can help to prevent our connective tissue from becoming short and dysfunctional which leads to joint discomfort. With a lengthened, mobile body our energy flows better. Give yourself an energy boost in a safe healthy way.

Yoga Series Coming Soon

Yoga relax: the breath is your guru

Yoga Series Coming Soon

Available soon!

Practice profound yoga principles to strengthen your energy through the combination of breath and body movement. With breath as the purpose and main focus of asana, we honour the roots of yoga and experience an accessible, powerful, and pleasurable practice. Enhancing the breath enhances all other critical functions of the body and mind.

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