May 23, 2020
Cezarina Trone Talks About Happiness
Our recurrent thoughts and actions impact our well-being every moment of our day. We can influence how we feel with simple mind-body-spirit practices. See part 2 below

Conversation with Cezarina Trone, Modern Mystic, Poet, Sound Healer, Wellness & Embodiment Coach, Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher, Founder of “Mirador Kids Yoga & Creativity School RCYS. More about Cezarina. More about Mirador kids yoga. Lotus Heart Center.
Hello dear friends,
Collectively, we are being confronted with changing the way we live, work, and interact with others.
Such rapid change globally and personally can be unsettling at times, bring up emotional responses, and challenge our current belief systems.
To stay well, clear, and grounded takes conscious commitment if we intend to thrive in our lives.
It seems that we are solicited more than ever in the online world leading to an over-stimulated mind. The overload creates various forms of mental and physical imbalance, from fear to fatigue and frustration.
I realize now more than ever the importance of allowing time for introspection, reflection, and meditation to clear the noise of my mind and the media to remain calm, vibrant, and focused on what is truly important in my life.
Are your wellness habits working for you?
Just like physical exercise is beneficial for our bodies, guided imagery, visualization, meditations, breathing, and being outdoors are forms of exercises to calm the mind and soothe the soul.
Our recurrent thoughts and actions impact our well-being every moment of our day. We can influence how we feel with simple mind-body-spirit practices.
My Happiness Habits conversation this month with Cezarina Trone addresses her daily habits to remain radiant and joyful even during challenging times.
Her beautiful guided imagery brought me back into my heart to feel lightness and joy.
I much prefer to operate my life from this space of being. When I feel better, I work better and live better. I believe we can all strive to be better and do better and play a positive role to enhance the environments around us.
When I feel my heart harden due to my judgments or strong opinions, I breathe, soften, and ask how can I serve to uplift this situation rather than contribute to its deterioration?
May this conversation remind us all to come home to our hearts where kindness and compassion guide the way.
Heart hugs to you my friend,
Cezarina Trone on Happiness Video Part 2
Cezarina's Happiness Nuggets of Wisdom
3:50 Being personally attuned
4:57 Happiness habit: the practice of rooting
6:00 Exploring the feelings of contraction, grieving, fear and insecurity what to do to rest the mind
7:27 Cezarina shares the habit she and her husband practice each morning
8:27 Why gardening, earthing and communing with nature is so beneficial as a happiness habit
10:26 Keep your fountain over flowing
12:27 Awaken the joy of your inner child; play and imagination
14:30 Feed your soul for greater health and happiness